Ghana PAYE Calculator

Optimize your payroll calculations with Ghana Business Web's PAYE Calculator. Easily determine accurate Pay As You Earn (PAYE) deductions for your employees in Ghana, ensuring compliance with tax regulations. Simplify your payroll process and manage your finances efficiently with our user-friendly online tool.

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Disclaimer on Use Of Tax Calculators

The use of the Tax Calculators only serves as a guideline. The actual tax payable by you or deduction available to you (if any) will depend on your personal circumstances. It is advised that for filing of returns and for making formal financial decisions, the exact calculation be made as per the provisions contained in the relevant Acts, and Laws.

Pay As You Earn

It is a tax deducted from an employee’s income and is paid by an employer on behalf of the employee. The tax is charged on all income of an individual in employment, whether it is received in cash or in kind. Monthly PAYE returns must be filed by the employer on behalf of the employee on or before the fifteenth day of the month following the month in which the deduction was made.

Deductions & Allowances

These items are deducted from an employee’s income before calculating PAYE:

  • Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) – 5.5% of basic salary.
  • Mortgage Interest paid on only one residential premise of the employee’s lifetime.
  • Provident fund up to 16.5% of your basic salary either paid by the employer or employee or both.
  • Contributions and donations to a worthwhile cause.

These are some of the allowances that will be added to salary for PAYE purposes:

  • Transport allowance
  • Rent (Accommodation) allowance.
  • Risk allowance
  • Night duty allowance
  • Responsibility allowance
  • Child Education allowance
  • House help allowance
  • Cook allowance
  • Garden boy allowance, etc.

Allowances paid in cash are added to the salary. Benefits to the employees in kind are added for tax purposes, but when the benefit is paid in kind, it is quantified in monetary value before it is added.  Examples are electricity, water, vehicle with driver and fuel, vehicle and fuel, vehicle only, fuel only, etc.

Accommodation and loan benefits are also benefits in kind which are quantified in the law.